Start Your Will Online Now!
What is Estate Planning?
Involves developing strategies to deal with your needs, finances & assets which will protect you and your loved one. You can do this, at the very least, by completing a Last Will and Testament and an Enduring Power of Attorney.
We strongly suggest that you consider a Smarter Will which includes a discretionary testamentary trust (please refer to "Smarter Wills Guide and Benefits" below), as it provides;
✔ asset protection + tax minimisation.
✔ maximise flexibility
✔ options to create discretionary testamentary trusts, rights of residence, beneficiary support/special disability trusts and guardianship instructions.
✔ minimise income tax, capital gains tax (CGT) and other tax leakage as well as reserve welfare entitlements year after year.
Are Your Affairs in Order
❓ Protect your loved ones and children?
❓ Secure your needs & prevent fraud!
❓ Forward planning – Setting up your Estate
❓ Avoid family disputes
What could happen without a Will in place?
Your assets can be shared with people whom you do not wish to benefit and in certain circumstances the estate could be paid to a state government.
What could happen without having a Power of Attorney (POA) in place?
Your finances will be frozen. The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) can appoint someone to make the decision, such as the Public Advocate or a trustee company
What is the most common mistake made in Estate Planning?
Compiling a ‘do-it-yourself Will Kit’ without following legal guidelines or consulting an experienced lawyer.

For more information about Last Wills, please read our articles:
Wills and probate in Victoria Australia- Last Will and Testament
- Glossary of Terms & Terminology for wills, estates including family provision Australia
- Smarter Will Instructions
- Wills Instructions & Basic Information
- Who to choose to be the Executor of your Will
- Why everyone should do a smarter Last Will
- Disadvantages of not having a will and benefit of a Last Will and Testament
- Last Will and issues in do-it-yourself will kits
- Will – Making it valid & legal in Victoria Australia
- Estate Planning and Getting it Right – Tips
Did you know 60% of Australian’s have a Will? Have YOU completed your Will?
Let’s Start Now!
Express Will - Lawyer Assisted
Under 10 minutes All States and Territories TBA
Use this quick and easy solution to leave your estate to your loved ones or to children, the way you want. You can still give separate gifts of personal items and charitable donations. Includes optional testamentary discretionary trusts. Submit the free intake form now and a lawyer will be in touch with you to complete the form.
Couple Mirror Wills - Lawyer Assisted
Under 10 minutes All States TBA (Normal Price)
(Promotional Fee - Single Will - 660 AUD || Partner - 275 AUD)
Create two matching wills for yourself and your spouse. Each spouse's estate is left to the other or, if that’s not possible, to you or your spouse’s children. You can still give separate gifts of personal items and charitable donations. Includes optional testamentary discretionary trusts. Submit the free intake form now and a lawyer will be in touch with you to complete the form.
Last Will and Testament (short form) - Lawyer Assisted
Under 25 minutes All States and Territories 440 AUD
This quick and easy solution creates a simple, short form will. Designed for smaller Estates that do not require complicated instructions to be fulfilled in accordance with your wishes. If beneficiaries are at risk of bankruptcy or family law claims, we recommend completing instructions for our Smarter Will and Testament. Submit the free intake form now and a lawyer will be in touch with you to complete the form.
Last Will (Smarter Will) - Lawyer Assisted
Under 30 minutes All States and Territories TBA
A comprehensive Last Will and Testament to maximise flexibility and minimise tax, with options to create discretionary testamentary trusts, rights of residence, beneficiary support/special disability trusts and guardianship instructions. Submit the free intake form now and a lawyer will be in touch with you to complete the form.
We strongly suggest that you consider a Smarter Will which includes a Discretionary Testamentary Trust (please refer to "Smarter Wills Guide and Benefits" below), as it provides asset protection + tax minimisation. Executors have the opportunity to minimise income tax, capital gains tax (CGT) and other tax expenses, as well as reserve welfare entitlements year after year.
Type of Will | Price (Excl GST) | *Promotion Price (Excl GST) |
Single Will (Basic) | 990 | N/A |
Husband & Wife (Mirror Wills - basic) | 1320 | |
Complex Wills | TBA | TBA |
Power of Attorney Price Estimation
Type of POA | Price (Excl GST) |
*Promotion Price (Excl GST) |
Enduring POA | 330 to 440 | TBA |
General Non-Enduring POA | 330 to 440 | TBA |
Supportive POA | 330 to 440 | TBA |
Medical Treatment Planning – Price Estimation
Category | Price (Excl GST) | *Promotion Price (Excl GST) |
Medical Treatment Decision-maker appointment | 330 to 440 | TBA |
Advanced care directive | 330 to 440 | TBA |
Packages for Wills and POA - Price Estimation
Category | Documents being drafted | Price (Excl GST) | *Promotion Price (Excl GST) |
Single (basic will) | -Will -Enduring POA -Medical POA |
960 | |
Husband and Wife (basic will) |
2 x Wills 2 x Enduring POA 2 x Medical POA |
1920 | *for mirror wills only |
Other Estate Planning Documents
Enduring Power of Attorney - VIC - Lawyer Assisted
Under 10 minutes Victoria 150 AUD
Meeting VIC government requirements, this Enduring Power of Attorney is a quick and easy solution to appoint one or more decision-makers for financial and personal matters.
Appointment of Support Person - VIC - Lawyer Assisted
Under 10 minutes Victoria 150 AUD
This document is a quick and easy way to appoint a Support Person to make, communicate and act on medical treatment decisions on your behalf. Follows the format approved by the Department of Health and Human Services of VIC. Use this version if you will be signing the document.
Advance Care Directive - VIC - Lawyer Assisted
Under 10 minutes Victoria 150 AUD
Following the approved format of the Department of Health and Human Services of VIC, this Advance Care Directive enables you to provide directions for future medical treatment in the event that you are unable to give medical instructions. Use this version if you will be signing the directive.
Advance Care Directive (Someone Signing On Your Behalf) - VIC - Lawyer Assisted
Under 10 minutes Victoria 150 AUD
Following the approved format of the Department of Health and Human Services of VIC, use this Advance Care Directive to give directions regarding medical treatment to one or more decision-makers. Use this version if someone else will be signing on behalf of the appointing person.
Appointment of medical treatment decision maker (LongForm) - VIC - Lawyer Assisted
Under 10 minutes Victoria 150 AUD
Following the approved long-form format of the Department of Health and Human Services of VIC, this Appointment of Medical Treatment Decision Maker enables you to appoint up to four decision makers to make medical treatment decisions on your behalf. Use this version if you will be signing the document.
Appointment of medical treatment decision maker (short form) - VIC - Lawyer Assisted
Under 10 minutes Victoria 150 AUD
Following the approved short-form format of the Department of Health and Human Services of VIC, this Appointment of Medical Treatment Decision Maker enables you to appoint up to four decision makers to make medical treatment decisions on your behalf. Use this version if you will be signing the document.
Appointment of medical treatment decision maker signing on your behalf (SF) - VIC - Lawyer Assisted
Under 10 minutes Victoria 150 AUD
Following the approved short-form format of the Department of Health and Human Services of VIC, use this Appointment of Medical Treatment Decision Maker to appoint up to four representatives to make medical treatment decisions. This version is appropriate if someone else will be signing on behalf of the appointing person.
Appointment of Support Person (someone signing on your behalf) - VIC - Lawyer Assisted
Under 10 minutes Victoria 150 AUD
This document is a quick and easy way to appoint a Support Person to make, communicate and act on medical treatment decisions. Follows the format approved by the Department of Health and Human Services of VIC. Use this version if someone else will be signing on behalf of the appointing person.
New South Wales
Enduring Guardian - NSW - Lawyer Assisted
Under 10 minutes New South Wales 310 AUD
Complying with NSW government requirements, our Enduring Power of Guardianship document is a simple and fast solution for appointing one or more decision-makers for personal matters.
Enduring Power of Attorney - NSW - Lawyer Assisted
Under 10 minutes New South Wales 150 AUD
In line with NSW government requirements, our Enduring Power of Attorney solution is the quickest and easiest way to appoint one or more trusted people to make financial decisions on your behalf.
Health Direction - ACT - Lawyer Assisted
Under 10 minutes Australian Capital Territory 310 AUD
Record your wishes regarding medical treatment with this Health Direction that follows the format required by ACT legislation.
Enduring Power of Attorney - ACT - Lawyer Assisted
Under 10 minutes Australian Capital Territory 150 AUD
This Enduring Power of Attorney solution enables you to appoint one or more trusted decision-makers for property matters, personal care matters, health care matters and/or medical research matters in the format required by ACT legislation.
Advance Health Directive - QLD - Lawyer Assisted
Under 10 minutes Queensland 150 AUD
Following the approved format of the QLD government, our Advance Health Directive solution is an efficient and effective way to provide directions regarding future medical treatment.
Enduring Power of Attorney - QLD - Lawyer Assisted
Under 10 minutes Queensland 150 AUD
Complying with QLD government requirements, our Enduring Power of Attorney is the fastest and simplest way to appoint decision-makers for personal and financial matters. Offers both short and long-from formats for added flexibility.
Revocation of Enduring Power of Attorney - Qld - Lawyer Assisted
Under 10 minutes Queensland
Complying with QLD government requirements, our Revocation of Enduring Power of Attorney is the fastest and simplest way to revoke the appointment of decision-makers for personal and financial matters.
South Australia
Advance Care Directive - SA - Lawyer Assisted
Under 10 minutes South Australia 150 AUD
Use this Advance Care Directive document to appoint one or more substitute decision-makers in respect of personal matters, including health care and residential accommodation. Follows the format approved by the SA government.
Enduring Power of Attorney - SA - Lawyer Assisted
Under 10 minutes South Australia 150 AUD
Use this Enduring Power of Attorney to appoint one or more trusted people to make financial decisions on your behalf. Meets SA government requirements.
Western Australia
Enduring Power of Attorney - WA - Lawyer Assisted
Under 10 minutes Western Australia 150 AUD
Our Enduring Power of Attorney is the quickest and easiest way to appoint one or more decision-makers for financial and property matters in the format required by WA legislation.
Advance Health Directive - WA - Lawyer Assisted
Under 10 minutes Western Australia 150AUD
Following the approved format of the WA government, this Advance Health Directive solution is the most efficient and effective way to make advance decisions in respect of medical, surgical, dental or other health care matters.
Enduring Power of Guardianship - WA - Lawyer Assisted
Under 10 minutes Western Australia 310 AUD
This Enduring Power of Guardianship is an efficient and effective way to appoint a guardian to make decisions in respect of personal matters. Complies with WA government requirements.
Instrument Appointing Enduring Guardian -TAS - Lawyer Assisted
Under 10 minutes Tasmania 310 AUD
In accordance with the form approved by the Guardianship and Administration Board of TAS, this document enables you to quickly and easily appoint an enduring guardian for personal matters.
Enduring Power of Attorney - TAS - Lawyer Assisted
Under 10 minutes Tasmania 150 AUD
In the format required by TAS legislation, this Enduring Power of Attorney solution is the quickest and easiest way to appoint financial decision-makers on your behalf.
Northern Territory
Advance Personal Plan - NT
Lawyer Assisted
Under 10 minutes Northern Territory 150 AUD
In line with Northern Territory legislative requirements, use this Advance Personal Plan to appoint one or more decision-makers for personal and financial matters. Can also be used to make an advance care statement and legally binding advance consent decisions about medical treatment.
Download Smarter Wills Guide and Benefits v01
* Promotion Price – T & C’s: Available only during a publicly advertised promotional period. Will be subject to relevant T & C’s. We may offer this price for long term clients or registered clients from time to time, in special promotional campaigns.
NOTE: All prices listed above exclude GST. If your matter is complex and requires additional work the prices quoted would be reassessed dependant on your matter.