Entertainment Activities Stream – Australian Migration

This temporary visa lets you come to Australia to work in the entertainment industry on film, television, or live productions as a performer, production, or support staff.

The applicant can include family members in the visa application.

To be eligible for this visa:

  • You must have a contract to perform in Australia.
  • You must have enough money to support yourself and your dependents who travel with you during your stay in Australia.

Eligible Entertainment Categories:

  • Performing,

in a film or television production subsidized by the government.
in a film or television production not subsidized by the government.other than in film or television

  • Working,

in a production role other than as a performer.
as support staff for an entertainer or group of entertainers.
as a performer or support staff for a non-profit engagement.
on a documentary or commercial for an overseas market.

Entertainment Visa Checklist – Australia Migration Visa