Tasmania (TAS) State Migration Plan Australia

Australian State Sponsored Migration visas provides a great way to immigrate to Australia. This article does not deal with Investor visas but only deal with General Skills pointed tested immigration visas. The Options available to you include permanent and temporary Visa options. main Visa subclasses are:

  1. Visa 190 – Skilled – Nominated (Permanent)
  2. Visa 491 – Skilled Work Regional (Provisional)

Visa 489 – Skilled — Regional (Provisional) – This visa is closed to new applications

Each state and territory government have their own processes for nomination in addition to the criterian under the Migration Act, the process is complicated and if you do not approach it the correct way the first time, the consequences may be devastating and include possible entry/visa bars to Australia. We recommend that you book an appointment for an assessment.

Live and work in Tasmania

About Tasmania

Tasmania is a remarkably liveable place – offering rewarding career opportunities, an inspiring lifestyle and vibrant, welcoming communities. Balancing work, family life and recreation is easier in small cities with affordable housing, great schools and short commute times.

Just imagine living and working in a place where your kids can safely enjoy the outdoors, where you can surf in the morning and hike in the afternoon, and where arts, sport and culture flourish.

With a world class urban environment, mild climate, an innovative business community and open spaces within easy reach, Tasmania is a place where you can really live and work.

Find out more about living, working and pursuing business in Tasmania at Make it Tasmania. As well as providing information to help you make the move, Make it Tasmania is your link to Tasmania to experience our lifestyle, unique places, culture, fabulous food, affordable housing, jobs and business opportunities.

If you need advice on State Sponsored migration to Australia, please book an appointment for a professional assessment.


Tasmanian Skilled Migration State Nomination Program Update

In its December 2023 update, Tasmania’s Skilled Migration State Nomination Program introduces significant changes to the critical roles list and nomination criteria.

Key Points:

01. Critical Roles List Update:

    • Tasmania updates its critical roles list based on advice from Jobs and Skills Australia.
    • Eligible Registrations of Interest (ROIs) with a skills assessment and three months of directly related skilled employment in critical roles receive the highest priority for nomination.
    • ROIs with occupations added to the list will be ‘re-scored’ for invitation, while new ROIs with removed occupations remain high priority.

02. Occupations Added to Critical Roles List:

    • Graphic and Web Designers and Illustrators
    • Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers
    • Primary School Teachers
    • Middle School Teachers / Intermediate School Teachers
    • Secondary School Teachers
    • Special Education Teachers
    • Software and Applications Programmers
    • Database and Systems Administrators, and ICT Security Specialists
    • Welfare Support Workers

03. Occupations Removed from Critical Roles List:

    • Architects and Landscape Architects
    • Urban and Regional Planners
    • Medical Scientists
    • Occupational and Environmental Health Professionals
    • Medical Technicians
    • Electrical Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians

03. Tasmanian Onshore Skilled Occupation List (TOSOL) Update:

    • TOSOL aligns with the new critical roles list, now including Graphic and Web Designers and Illustrators.

Migration Tasmania Update Processing Times and Nomination Places

on 14 Nov 2023

Key Metrics:

Processing times:

  • Oldest nomination application awaiting allocation: October 20, 2023.
  • Post-allocation outcome goal: 10 days.

Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa:

  • Nominations Used: 286 out of 600 places.
  • Applications in Process: 36 nominations awaiting decision.
  • Invitations Issued: 20 awaiting acceptance.
  • Registrations of Interest: 532 on hand.

Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) visa:

  • Nominations Used: 206 out of 600 places.
  • Applications in Process: 25 nominations awaiting decision.
  • Invitations Issued: 13 awaiting acceptance.
  • Registrations of Interest: 393 on hand.

Selection Process:

  • Migration Tasmania issues up to 30 invitations weekly.
  • Only the most competitive Registrations of Interest are chosen for nomination.

Source: Migration Tasmania

Migration Tasmania – Processing Times and Nomination Updates

As of 16th October 2023

Processing Times: The oldest nomination application not yet allocated for processing was lodged on 26th September 2023.

Skilled Nominated (Subclass 190) Visa:

Nominations Used: 234 out of 600 places.
Pending Nomination Applications: 38.
Invitations Issued but Not Yet Accepted: 25.
Registrations of Interest: 527.

Skilled Work Regional (Subclass 491) Visa:

Nominations Used: 176 out of 600 places.
Pending Nomination Applications: 38.
Invitations Issued but Not Yet Accepted: 16.
Registrations of Interest: 381.
Outcome Target: After an application is allocated for processing, the aim is to provide an outcome within 10 days.
Ongoing Selection: Migration Tasmania continually selects Registrations of Interest (ROIs) for nomination applications. They issue up to 30 invitations each week, choosing the most competitive ROIs for nomination.

State and Territory Update on 09/11/2021


The Tasmanian Business Migration State Nomination Program is now open with new settings.

Key features include:

  • Nominations offered in the Business Innovation and Entrepreneur Streams. Nominations in the Investor and Significant Investor Streams will not be offered this program year.
  • Interested candidates must submit a Registration of Interest (ROI) outlining their business or entrepreneurial proposal and skills. The strongest proposals will be selected from the register and the proponent invited to apply for nomination.

Contact us for details of the new program and requirements are on Migration Tasmania.

Following the October 2020 budget, we would like to provide our readers with an up to date summary of 190 State Nominated Visa Programmes. We are hoping this summary will make it easier for you to consider your current position. As always, the information is subject to change without notice therefore it is paramount to seek professional advice.

If you need assistance, please book an appointment via our website.

Tasmania will continue to operate using the interim occupations which are available. Further occupations are expected to be announced in due course.

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