On this page
01.1. Professional Fees
01.2. A fee estimation
01.3. An hourly rate
01.4. A Mix of fee estimation and hourly rate
02.1. We give fee estimates in writing
03. Advice policy /risk management / practice standards
04. Solicitor & Barrister (counsel) legal team – When to brief counsel?
05. Why do fees vary?
06. Retainer fees
07. A retainer agreement – cost agreement
08. Timesheets
09. Disbursements
10. Disclosure pursuant to the Legal Profession Uniform Law (LPUL)
11. Fees for general legal matters / Conveyancing / Wills & power of attorney (POA)
11.1. Conveyancing
11.2. Wills & power of attorney (POA)
11.3. Call out fees
12. Lawyers Consultation fee structure (except Migration)
13. Criminal law /Traffic Cases /Family violence safety notices/Intervention orders
14. Migration Fees - In Australia
- Skills Assessment
- Student Visas
- TR (temporary resident 485 visa)
- General Skilled Categories Visas (GSM)
- Family, Parent & Partner Visas
- Employer Sponsored
- AAT reviews (Administrative Appeals Tribunal)
- Judicial review at the Federal Circuit Court of Australia
- Ministerial intervention
- Visitor Visa
- Re applying for rejected Visitor Visa
- Legal Submission
15. Family law fees
16. Solicitor/lawyer's certificates for bank loans
17. Estimated fees for lawyer assisted forms – Legal Documents Portal
18. Estimated fees for Self Checkout Forms – Legal Documents Portal
01. How do lawyers charge?
01.1. Professional Fees
Professional fees are what a lawyer charges for their expertise, time and experience. These fees do not include incidentals such as filing fees, stationary, postage or copying. It’s important to note that professional fees (unlike Court filing fees) also attract GST, meaning that 10% of the cost will be added to your bill.
*Fees noted in this page cover our firm’s professional fees only. There may be additional fees payable such as government lodgement fees and other disbursements. Where your circumstances are more complex (or fall outside our standard scope of services), we will provide you with a tailored fee estimate.
01.2. A fee estimation
A fee estimation is simply that – a fee that is estimated. For legal matters that are clear and straightforward, such as some visa matters, wills, divorce agreements, issuing a letter, drafting a will, or reviewing a contract we can provide a flat/fee estimation. Make sure that you know what the costs do and do not cover, eg: GST, filing fees may not be included.
01.3. An hourly rate
The most common cost arrangement where the lawyer charges an agreed-upon rate according to the hours spent working on a legal matter up until its resolution. The hourly rate may depend on the location of the lawyer’s practice, their seniority and their expertise in the matter. Experienced lawyers in smaller or rural towns can typically charge from $200 to 400 per hour while those in major urban areas can charge from 300 AUD to 500 AUD per hour.
Billing units
Time will be charged according to hourly rates charged in 6-minute units. For example, the time charged for an attendance of up to 6 minutes will be rounded up to 6 minutes and the time charged for an attendance between 6 and 12 minutes will be rounded up to 12 minutes.
01.4. A Mix of fee estimation and hourly rate
In certain instances, we may have to charge a mixture of both fee estimation and hourly rate. We will charge a fee estimation where it is possible to identify a estimated set of work to be completed and an hourly charge for matters that arise are not clear, straightforward or in situation where it is not possible to identify a fix set work or the time it will take. The hourly rates to be charged will be indicated in the cost disclosure provided to you.
02. How do we charge?
- In straightforward matters we charge a fee estimation
- Where is not strait forward and where it is not possible to identify a particular stage to provide you a estimation we will charge a mixed fee, i.e., an estimated fee (for specifically identifiable step) and an hourly rate for matters that cannot be provided fee estimation. Our hourly rate are as noted below.
Note: In a large firm, you would expect much higher charge-out rates, such as:
Partner: 770 to 880 AUD per hour
Special Counsel: 770 AUD per hour
Senior Associate: 500 AUD per hour
Junior Solicitor: 400 AUD per hour
Those members of the firm that work on your matter will record the time they spend and charge according to the following rates.
DL fee range (in hourly terms) compared to the market.
Partner | Hourly rate of | 600 AUD | exclusive of GST |
Senior Associate | Hourly rate of | 500 AUD | exclusive of GST |
Lawyer | Hourly rate of | 300 AUD | exclusive of GST |
Paralegal | Hourly rate of | 200 AUD | exclusive of GST |
Clerk | Hourly rate of | 180 AUD | exclusive of GST |
- The firm’s fees are determined by applying these hourly rates to the units of time recorded by each staff member on your matter.
Time is recorded in 6-minute units e.g. the time charged for a phone call of up to 6 minutes will be 6 minutes and the time charged for an attendance between 6 and 12 minutes will be 12 minutes. - Once the fee reaches 500 or 1000 AUD, we will send you an invoice/receipt.
02.1. We give fee estimates in writing
- Before we start a matter, we will provide you with a fee estimation in writing, so, there will be no hidden costs or nasty surprises.
- We offer competitive fees – feel free to compare with competitors of equal standards.
- Our practice will assess your circumstances and provide you a suitable fee structure.
- If the scope of the matter changes, we will keep you informed in writing.
03. Advice policy / risk management / practice standards
Our lawyers will advise you after understanding in detail your circumstances. It is our policy to provide legal advice once we have conducted a full intake and consultation in which we will conduct an assessment (and take written notes). This policy enables our lawyers to provide you with the best and most accurate legal advice.
04. Solicitor & Barrister (counsel) legal team – When to brief counsel?
As your legal practitioner we may advice you and appear in court on behalf of you and at times engage and brief counsel on how to proceed while in court.
As legal practitioners we will obtain all relevant details from you (‘take instructions’), assess the case, and provide advice. In circumstances and especially where litigation is probable, in consultation, select a counsel (barrister) with appropriate skills and experience in the area of law involved.
As your instructing solicitor, we may need to prepare a brief to counsel. When acting in your best interest and to obtain a successful outcome, it may be vital that counsel is briefed, and opinion is obtained. Courts have indicated that it is the duty of the instructor to seek a stay if counsel’s absence would not be in the interest of the client.
In certain cases it is vital to get the right legal team with counsel at an early stage particularly in the development of legal strategy; otherwise you whole case would be in jeopardy!
This situation is very similar to obtaining expert medical advice, where individuals are first referred to a medical specialist via their general practitioner.
Your ‘instructing solicitor’ will advise you if a barrister should also be engaged. Similar to the medical analogy, early briefing of a barrister is often of distinct advantage to an early/favourable resolution.
Once the case is underway, the barrister and instructing solicitor will work in consultation.
05. Why do fees vary?
- Due to the level of experience – We have more than 20 years of combined legal experience.
- the specific difficulties or complexities of a case – We think out of the box to get you the result!
- the costs associated with running a business or practice – We are note not an expensive city law firm but a mid-level professional suburban law firm.
- the desire of the applicant for higher professional service – apart from our own professional standards are governed by the legal profession uniform law.
- the current marketplace fee levels – Our fees are competitive in line with market rates considering our expertise levels.
06. Retainer fees
When you hire a lawyer, they may request to be paid a retainer fee. Retainer fees are common amongst law firms, especially if they will be doing work for you on a continual basis. This money (say, 5,000 AUD) is then held on trust as security, and used to cover your fees when you give express authority, or when you cannot pay your bills.
07. A retainer agreement – cost agreement
A retainer agreement establishes the lawyer-client relationship, and may cover things like:
- how much you can expect to pay (ballpark estimate)
- fees, disbursements and other costs
- retainer amount (if applicable)
- billing format, when bills are due, and interest charged if you do not pay your bill on time
- scope of the retainer: what you have hired the lawyer to do, and what you have not
- whether work may be delegated (for example, to a paralegal, articled clerk, associate, administrative support staff)
- withdrawal, transfer or termination of services
- how communication will happen (for example, email, phone, letters, etc)
- confidentiality.
08. Timesheets
Solicitors and other professionals (such as accountants) will often keep a record of the work they have done by keeping a timesheet. A timesheet records the date, description, client, and amount of time (billing units) spent on a task. The timesheet is then put into software and used to calculate a client’s bill. Solicitors will also often have minimum billing targets, for example, that they have to bill for 6 hours of work per day. If you request an itemised bill, you will see the tasks loaded into the timesheet which account for the fees charged to you.
09. Disbursements
In providing legal services to you, it may also be necessary to incur other fees, these fees, expenses and other charges we incur on your behalf are referred to as disbursements.
- couriers, printing, postage
- long-distance telephone, faxing
- service of documents (process server)
- court filing fees
- government fees
- medical reports
- assessments
- transcripts
- expert fees.
We will charge you at cost for any disbursements we incur on your behalf. You must pay reasonable disbursements, including GST (Goods and Services Tax), incurred by us on your behalf either on demand or at the conclusion of this matter.
We may also request that you provide us with payment in advance of us incurring a disbursement on your behalf, if so, these funds will be held in a trust account until payment of the disbursement is required. If there are disbursements to be incurred that are unusual, we will seek your instructions before incurring the expense.
10. Disclosure pursuant to the Legal Profession Uniform Law (LPUL)
We are required under LPUL and also it is our policy to inform you of (estimated) professional fees (in advance) when required.
a. Although we may have quoted you an estimated fee, it is generally impractical and impossible to state with any degree of certainty the exact fees associated with a matter. Should additional costs arise, we will contact you via email to advise you of the costs associated with the service.
b. This estimate of total legal costs is NOT BINDING on us, as the work required may change, but is our best advice at this point in time. The estimate is based on our current understanding of the present circumstances of this matter. If the scope of this matter or your instructions to us change in a way that results in a significant change to anything we have previously disclosed, including this estimate, we will revise the estimate as soon as practicable.
c. The usual basis of our charges will be a fee estimation. At times depending on the nature of the matter we may adopt a combination and will be specially noted in the CA (Part B).
- We are able to give you a low-cost estimated price on this matter on the basis of the work we have noted on the cost agreement without the need for additional time consuming work and complexities.
- We have allocated a specific number of limited time duration for this matter and given you a fee estimation based on the specific work we have agreed/decided on at the time of the retainer based work we have noted on the cost agreement.
- It is our practice to provide fee estimation in matters but where it is impractical or exceeded the scope of work we will clearly indicate at a relevant stage an estimation or an hourly billing rate for those work.
d. In most instances it is impractical to quote a fee estimation in advance for the full matter, because, it is impossible to tell with any degree of certainty what work is going to be involved, however we estimate our fees and disbursements for each specific step before we undertake work and will provide to you in writing.
e. These costs will vary according to the complexity of the matter, the attitude and the conduct of the other parties, the issues that may arise and the stage at which a settlement may be reached. Our indicative fees are an estimate only of the likely costs and are not a quotation. Costs will vary for each matter and there may be circumstances that arise where the costs may be different to our initial estimates.
f. There may be occasions when we advise you that it is necessary to instruct experts such as valuars, accountants, experts as well as legal counsel or specialists in particular areas. We will provide you with prior notice, their fees and seek confirmation of your instructions before engaging such experts.
g. It is usual in legal matters for each party to pay their own solicitor’s costs. We note however that the Court has the power to order one party to pay all or part of the other party’s costs as well as their own solicitor’s costs in situations where the court decides that a party has acted unreasonably, failed to comply with orders or directions of the court or refused to accept offers of settlement that were reasonable, thereby extending litigation and increasing costs.
h. Subject to you entering into a Costs Agreement with us, if and when relevant our charges are determined by time will be charged according to hourly rates charged in 6-minute units. For example, the time charged for an attendance of up to 6 minutes will be rounded up to 6 minutes and the time charged for an attendance between 6 and 12 minutes will be rounded up to 12 minutes.
i. All fees are in Australian Dollars.
j. All fee indications are estimations only and GST must be added.
11. Fees for general legal matters / Conveyancing / Wills & power of attorney (POA)
11.1. Conveyancing
Conveyance matters | 880 - 990 AUD (estimated professional fee) |
11.2. Wills & power of attorney (POA)
Type of Will | Price (Excl GST) | *Promotion Price (Excl GST) |
Single Will (Basic) | 660 AUD | N/A |
Last Will (Smarter Will with testamentary trusts) - Lawyer Assisted [A comprehensive Last Will and Testament to maximise flexibility and minimise tax, with options to create discretionary testamentary trusts, rights of residence, beneficiary support/special disability trusts and guardianship instructions. Submit the free intake form now and a lawyer will be in touch with you to complete the form.] |
2110 AUD | N/A |
Spouses / Partners (Mirror Wills - basic) |
1320 AUD | N/A |
Complex Wills | TBA | TBA |
Power of Attorney Price Estimation
Type of POA | Price (Excl GST) |
*Promotion Price (Excl GST) |
Enduring POA | 330 to 440 AUD | TBA |
General Non-Enduring POA | 330 to 440 AUD | TBA |
Supportive POA | 330 to 440 AUD | TBA |
Medical Treatment Planning – Price Estimation
Category | Price (Excl GST) | *Promotion Price (Excl GST) |
Medical Treatment Decision-maker appointment | 330 to 440 AUD | TBA |
Advanced care directive | 330 to 440 AUD | TBA |
Packages for Wills and POA - Price Estimation
Category | Documents being drafted | Price (Excl GST) | *Promotion Price (Excl GST) |
Single (basic will)
-Enduring POA -Medical POA |
960 AUD | |
Spouses / Partners (basic will) |
2 x Wills
2 x Enduring POA 2 x Medical POA |
1920 AUD | *for mirror wills only |
Spouses / Partners - complex matters and smarter Wills. | If it is a complex matter | Prices TBA – given the complexity prices may vary | Prices TBA - given the complexity prices may vary |
* Promotion Price – T & C’s: Available only during a publicly advertised promotional period. Will be subject to relevant T & C’s. We may offer this price for long term clients or registered clients from time to time, in special promotional campaigns.
NOTE: All prices listed above exclude GST. If your matter is complex and requires additional work the prices quoted would be reassessed dependant on your matter.
Complimentary service – Clients now have the ability to register themselves with our offices and nominate us as their legal representative. This promotes convenience in times when you require legal assistance on short notice as you will already be a registered client on our systems.
11.3 Call out fees:
We charge a call out fee of 330 AUD (incl. GST) to locations within 20km of our Chelsea Heights and Dandenong Office.
We charge a call out fee of 440 AUD (incl. GST) to locations within 40km of Melbourne CBD.
Note: call out fee does not include the consultation fee.
Please refer to our consultation fees section on this page - Hourly rate charges will apply if the 1 hr consultation time is exceeded.
12. Lawyers Consultation fee structure
DL fee range (in hourly terms) compared to the market.
Partner | Hourly rate of | 600 AUD | plus GST |
Senior Associate | Hourly rate of | 500 AUD | plus GST |
Lawyer | Hourly rate of | 300 AUD | plus GST |
Paralegal | Hourly rate of | 200 AUD | plus GST |
Clerk | Hourly rate of | 180 AUD | plus GST |
Note: In a large firm, you would expect much higher charge-out rates, such as:
Partner: 770 to 880 AUD per hour
Special Counsel: 770 AUD per hour
Senior Associate: 500 AUD per hour
Junior Solicitor: 400 AUD per hour
13. Criminal law / Traffic Cases / Family violence safety notices / Intervention orders
Initial conference:
Please book an Appointment |
330 AUD |
Perusal of documents, preparation time and work work may involve:
330 to 440 AUD an hr |
Administrative adjournment of a matter | 220 to 330 AUD fee estimation |
Fee estimation
* The cost will depend on the nature and complexity of the matter (if the matter involve drafting consent order and/or detailed (except a brief mention) submissions to the Judge the fee will be 2500 AUD) and experience level of the practitioner |
Appearance at a Contest mention | * [Estimation only]
* The cost will depend on the nature and complexity of the matter and experience level of the practitioner |
Guilty pleas – if you wish to plead guilty in court
For non-complex matters |
Melbourne Metropolitan areas 2200 AUD |
In other cities 2500 AUD | |
Courts in country Victoria 2500 AUD | |
Defendant hearings – pleading not guilty in court (for matters such as traffic cases, assault cases, drug cases)
Note: fee estimations are offered for less complicated cases only and applicable for your first court date and include a meeting with you, preparation and the hearing. The lawyer will inform you and provide fee estimation in all other cases after the first consultation. |
Melbourne Metropolitan areas 5000 AUD |
Bail applications | Melbourne Metropolitan areas 2000 to 9900 AUD |
Prison conferences and attending police stations for arrest, charges and interviews | Melbourne Metropolitan areas
- 500 AUD Half a day before 12pm - 1100 AUD full day (after 12pm) |
Travel fees
Where an advocate appears in a hearing which is more than 30 kilometres away from the advocate’s usual place of business (Dandenong), a travel fee of 77 cents per kilometres is payable for each kilometres of the return trip in excess of 30 kilometres. |
The major variables that might affect the calculation of costs are: |
Should the scope of work change and additional work other than the standard steps above is required, we will keep you informed of the likely impact on our costs and on disbursements and update our estimate. |
14. Migration Fees - In Australia
We will give you a fee estimation after assessing circumstances in the first consultation
N/A | |
N/A | |
Migration Law - basic PR assessment and general advice - 1 hr | 330 AUD |
1hr with Solicitor – In-depth assessments (thorough assessments that require research, complicated matters - visa cancellations, refusals etc.) |
440 AUD |
1hr with Solicitor and Counsel -– complicated matters | 550 AUD |
Note: hourly rate may vary depending on the seniority and matter type (general indication only)
Note: We do not employ agents who are non-lawyers and our professional fees are in AUD and include GST
Skills Assessment | From 1500 AUD (depends on the matter) | ||||||||||||||||||
Student Visas | From 1100 AUD | ||||||||||||||||||
TR (temporary resident 485 visa) | From 990 - 1500 AUD | ||||||||||||||||||
General Skilled Categories Visas (GSM) | Estimated professional *fees start from 5000 AUD *Fees differ from [5000 to 12,000 AUD] based on the number of applicants and the complexity of the case. Below is an example of fee payment stages and a breakdown Australian Migration PROCESS – Three Steps
To get a clearer understanding of our cost structure and when you need to pay including the t& c and about EOI’s please visit the links below. |
Family , Parent & Partner Visas | From 4000 AUD | ||||||||||||||||||
Sponsored Parent (subclass 870) Five Year (Temporary) Visa - 1500 AUD | |||||||||||||||||||
Employer Sponsored | From 4300 AUD (visa application) From 4300 AUD (sponsorship, nomination and RCB application) |
AAT reviews (Administrative Appeals Tribunal) |
Data shows that if you are navigating the AAT with an experienced lawyer [15+ years experience], on average, you should allow 10,000 to 20,000 [AUD on avg.] for a matter ending in a hearing. Cost varies with case complexity and lawyer expertise. The cost for a junior lawyer is around 5 to 10 thousand. |
Labour agreements
Fees depend on the Types of labour agreement and the work involved.
Full workload 9900 AUD
For certain components only fee estimation is 5500 AUD |
Judicial review at the Federal Circuit Court of Australia
Visit https://dlegal.com.au/ |
Ministerial intervention | 5500 AUD | ||||||||||||||||||
Visitor Visa | From 2200 (for Existing Clients) to 2500 AUD | ||||||||||||||||||
Re applying for rejected Visitor Visa | From 2500 - 3000 AUD | ||||||||||||||||||
Legal Submission | From 2200 or 4300 + (depending on the complexity) AUD |
15. Family law fees
Family law matters can be complex, and the legal principles can be confusing or perplexing for most of us.
Unrepresented litigants are more likely to take the matter to trial*, which will have significant cost implications.
Don’t make it more complicated and expensive - we can resolve it without court trails.
People who do not have legal guidance incur expenses and complicate matters!
Take the first step to resolve your matter.
Get the guidance you need! We resolve matters without going to trial, reducing trial costs.
It has been noted by the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia that the average cost for a matter at a final hearing is 30,000 AUD per person. The cost is also dependent upon the complexity of the case.
Accordingly, complex cases heard before the Federal Circuit and Family Court may cost up to and beyond 100,000 AUD per person. With our long-term family law experience, you can resolve your Family Law matters in a way that achieves the best possible outcome for an appropriate cost.
Expertise and Experience of Lawyers
A Lawyers experience and expertise can set them apart regarding the fees they charge. The more experienced the lawyer, the more chance there is of navigating in and out of the system more quickly, negotiating an appropriate outcome and resolving the matter with Orders by Consent or Orders of the Court more quickly. In a final hearing, a senior associate may charge between $3,000 to $6,000 per day in court. Whereas junior lawyers will charge less due to their developing expertise.
With the right lawyer, you may be able to resolve your Family Law matters in a way that achieves the best possible outcome for an appropriate cost.
Legal costs in family law matters -
Family law - Financial/ property Settlement
- Advising you on full financial disclosure, requesting full disclosure documents from the other side, negotiations with the other side and advice without any court appearances fee estimation 5000 – 8000 AUD.
- parties formalise negotiated agreement in writing by consent orders, Preparation of Application for Consent Orders to be lodged with the Court (if required); Preparation of Consent Orders or Binding Financial Agreement; liaising with other side on the typed orders, amendments before lodging, and lodging with the Court; our fee estimation 9000 AUD.
Parties unable to come to an agreement
- Sometimes parties are unable to come to an agreement and will proceed with their matter in Court (contested litigation).
- For the preparation of applications (or responses), affidavit, and financial statement, our fees are our fee estimation 8000 AUD.
- It may be possible for the matter to be settled at this stage
If contested litigation is commenced
- Costs up to the first date on which we have to go to Court is fee estimation: 8000 AUD
- Sometimes on the first date the matter can be settled
- For Court Appearances, conference, negotiations, obtain further detailed instructions, to explain orders on 1st date within Courts to final settlement on the day - 10000 to 30000 AUD
16. Solicitor/lawyer's certificates for bank loans
Fee Estimation Starts from 440 AUD (the exact amount will depend on the matter)
We will provide a quote once we assess the full set of loan documents.
Usual fee (one person) | 440 AUD (approximately) |
Additional person: | 110 AUD |
If required to witness documents other than providing the certificate: | 110 AUD |
17. Estimated fees for Lawyer Assisted Forms – Legal Documents Portal
Lawyer Assisted Forms – Legal Documents Portal |
Price (AUD) |
Last Will (Smarter Will with testamentary trusts) - Lawyer Assisted [A comprehensive Last Will and Testament to maximise flexibility and minimise tax, with options to create discretionary testamentary trusts, rights of residence, beneficiary support/special disability trusts and guardianship instructions. Submit the free intake form now and a lawyer will be in touch with you to complete the form.] |
Simple Will | TBA |
Express Mirror Wills | TBA |
Express Will – All to Children | 330 |
Enduring Power of Attorney – NSW | 150 |
Enduring Power of Attorney – VIC | 150 |
Enduring Power of Attorney – QLD | 150 |
Enduring Power of Attorney – WA | 150 |
Enduring Power of Attorney – SA | 150 |
Enduring Power of Attorney – TAS | 150 |
Advance Personal Plan – NT | 150 |
Enduring Power of Attorney – ACT | 150 |
Enduring Power of Guardianship – NSW | 310 |
Advance Care Directive – VIC | 150 |
Advance Care Directive – VIC (Someone signing on behalf of the Maker) | 150 |
Appointment of Support Person – VIC | 150 |
Appointment of Support Person – VIC (Someone signing for the Appointor) | 150 |
Appointment of Medical Treatment Decision Maker – VIC (Long Form) | 150 |
Appointment of Medical Treatment Decision Maker – VIC (Short Form) | 150 |
Appointment of Medical Treatment Decision Maker – VIC (Short Form) (Someone signing for the Appointor) | 150 |
Advance Health Directive – QLD | 150 |
Enduring Power of Guardianship – WA | 310 |
Advance Health Directive – WA | 150 |
Advance Care Directive – SA | 150 |
Instrument appointing Enduring Guardianship – TAS | 310 |
Health Direction – ACT | 310 |
Commercial Lease (non-retail) | 1100 |
Deed of Transfer of Lease | 1100 |
Services Agreement | 990 |
Terms of Business for Services | 990 |
Confidentiality Agreement | 990 |
1-Page NDA | 220 |
Deed of Amendment | 990 |
Deed of Guarantee | 990 |
Deed of Novation | 990 |
Deed of Termination and Release | 990 |
Website Terms of Use | 110 |
Website Returns Policy | 110 |
Website Privacy Policy | 110 |
Deed of Settlement and Release | 990 |
Statutory Demand | 1650 |
IP License Agreement | 330 |
Deed of Assignment of IP | 330 |
Consent to Use of Quote, Image or Recording | TBA |
Engagement Letter, Costs Agreement | 110 |
Loan or Loan Facility Agreement | 1650 |
Promissory Note | 990 |
General Security Deed | 990 |
Family Trust Deed | 1100 |
Unit Trust Deed | 1100 |
Independent Contractor Agreement | 770 |
Employment Contract | 770 |
Employee Option Plan | 1358 |
Employee Handbook | 1625 |
Shareholders/Unitholders Agreement | 1650 |
Business Sale Agreement | 1650 |
Asset Sale Agreement | 3881 (summary stat ave) |
Power of attorney for execution of documents | 150 |
Director approval of execution of documents | 150 |
Pack for appointment of directors/officers | 990 |
Pack for resignation of directors/officers | 990 |
Pack to change company name | 990 |
Pack to complete issue of securities | 990 |
Application forms for issue of securities | 990 |
New certificates for issue of securities | 990 |
Pack to complete transfer of securities | 990 |
Transfer forms for transfer of securities | 990 |
New certificates for transfer of securities | 990 |
Constitution of Pty Ltd company | 1893 |
Pack to change company constitution | 990 |
Deed of Access and Indemnity | 990 |
Commercial Lease (non-retail) Guide for Clients | |
Independent Contractors Legal Guide for Clients | |
Startups Legal Guide for Clients | |
Premium Wills Guide for Clients | |
Privacy Policy GDPR Update – Client Alert | |
Business Legal Essentials Guide | |
Application for Divorce | 1258 |
Binding Financial Agreement | 2823 |
Binding Financial Agreement - De Facto - WA | 3000 |
Binding Financial Agreement - De Fact - Australia exc WA | 3000 |
Binding Financial Agreement - Marriage | 2400 |
18. Estimated fees for Self Checkout Forms - Legal Documents Portal
Self Checkout Forms - Legal Documents Portal |
Price (AUD) |
Last Will (Smarter Will with testamentary trusts) [A comprehensive Last Will and Testament to maximise flexibility and minimise tax, with options to create discretionary testamentary trusts, rights of residence, beneficiary support/special disability trusts and guardianship instructions. Submit the free intake form now and a lawyer will be in touch with you to complete the form.] |
550 |
Simple Will | 150 |
Express Mirror Wills | 220 |
Express Will – All to Children | 110 |
Enduring Power of Attorney – NSW | 110 |
Enduring Power of Attorney – VIC | 110 |
Enduring Power of Attorney – QLD | 110 |
Enduring Power of Attorney – WA | 110 |
Enduring Power of Attorney – SA | 110 |
Enduring Power of Attorney – TAS | 110 |
Advance Personal Plan – NT | 110 |
Enduring Power of Attorney – ACT | 110 |
Enduring Power of Guardianship – NSW | 220 |
Advance Care Directive – VIC | 110 |
Advance Care Directive – VIC (Someone signing on behalf of the Maker) | 110 |
Appointment of Support Person – VIC | 110 |
Appointment of Support Person – VIC (Someone signing for the Appointor) | 110 |
Appointment of Medical Treatment Decision Maker – VIC (Long Form) | 110 |
Appointment of Medical Treatment Decision Maker – VIC (Short Form) | 110 |
Appointment of Medical Treatment Decision Maker – VIC (Short Form)(Someone signing for the Appointor) | 110 |
Advance Health Directive – QLD | 110 |
Enduring Power of Guardianship – WA | 110 |
Advance Health Directive – WA | 110 |
Advance Care Directive – SA | 110 |
Instrument appointing Enduring Guardianship – TAS | 110 |
Health Direction – ACT | 110 |
Commercial Lease (non-retail) | 155 |
Deed of Transfer of Lease | 155 |
Services Agreement | 110 |
Terms of Business for Services | 55 |
Confidentiality Agreement | 55 |
1-Page NDA | 55 |
Deed of Amendment | 220 |
Deed of Guarantee | 220 |
Deed of Novation | 220 |
Deed of Termination and Release | 220 |
Website Terms of Use | 55 |
Website Returns Policy | 55 |
Website Privacy Policy | 55 |
Deed of Settlement and Release | 220 |
Statutory Demand | 220 |
IP License Agreement | 220 |
Deed of Assignment of IP | 220 |
Consent to Use of Quote, Image or Recording | TBA |
Engagement Letter, Costs Agreement | 10 |
Loan or Loan Facility Agreement | 220 |
Promissory Note | 110 |
General Security Deed | 110 |
Family Trust Deed | 440 |
Unit Trust Deed | 440 |
Independent Contractor Agreement | 110 |
Employment Contract | 110 |
Employee Option Plan | 110 |
Employee Handbook | 110 |
Shareholders/Unitholders Agreement | 330 |
Business Sale Agreement | 330 |
Asset Sale Agreement | 330 |
Power of attorney for execution of documents | 110 |
Director approval of execution of documents | 110 |
Pack for appointment of directors/officers | 110 |
Pack for resignation of directors/officers | 110 |
Pack to change company name | 110 |
Pack to complete issue of securities | 110 |
Application forms for issue of securities | 110 |
New certificates for issue of securities | 110 |
Pack to complete transfer of securities | 110 |
Transfer forms for transfer of securities | 110 |
New certificates for transfer of securities | 110 |
Constitution of Pty Ltd company | 220 |
Pack to change company constitution | 155 |
Deed of Access and Indemnity | 155 |
Commercial Lease (non-retail) Guide for Clients | |
Independent Contractors Legal Guide for Clients | |
Startups Legal Guide for Clients | |
Premium Wills Guide for Clients | |
Privacy Policy GDPR Update – Client Alert | |
Business Legal Essentials Guide | |
Application for Divorce | 550 |
Binding Financial Agreement | 660 |
Binding Financial Agreement - De Facto - WA | 660 |
Binding Financial Agreement - De Fact - Australia exc WA | 660 |
Binding Financial Agreement- Marriage | 1100 |